martes, julio 26, 2016

Friends Again - State of Art

   En los '80, Escocia era un hervidero de grupos tan impresionantes como infravalorados y en consecuencia, fugaces. Friends Again duró un verbo... entre 1982 y 1984. De sus restos surgieron dos bandas: Love and Money y The Bathers.

Don't hideaway inside yourself, or lie in a state in your room. We altered our image, to irresistible flame.
Was she something worth loving? She was all that and more. Helping watchers on shores. With supple beauty. She was all that, and she was all that, and you know, It's my eyes that tell me: she's a work of art. Well, is this heaven, or just the state of art?
Violence steps upon our lives, danger firm and staunt. The world trods upon us, like a protectorate. You know what they'll say, "You needn't look any further than this." You need the touch of a lover's kiss. An irresistible flame.
Was she something worth loving? She was all that and more. Helping watchers on shores. With supple beauty. She was all that, she was all that, and you know, It's my eyes that tell me: she's a work of art. Well, is this heaven, or just the state of art?
With our hearts we step in, why don't you gently ride the storm?
Is this heaven, or just the state of art?'

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